About Suzanne Rodgers, LMSW

Photo on 3-17-20 at 7.08 PMWhen I began as a therapist in the late 80’s I tried out various theories and techniques while practicing at community mental health centers, and eventually private clinics as well. However, I always returned to the time tested psychodynamic psychotherapy.  It has helped me remove obstacles in my life, gain a much deeper understanding of myself and increased my confidence overall.

For more than 30 years I have used my psychotherapy training to help children, teens, adults and couples not only learn to cope with life, but to move forward and live the best life that they can achieve.

I see patients in my Detroit, Michigan office,  in the Historic Boston Edison area.  As of March  2020, when Covid-19 made it unsafe to meet in person,  I began providing video-conferencing sessions and phone sessions.   As both a compassionate listener and a highly analytical therapist, I can help you get to the underlying root of any emotional or psychological difficulties you may be experiencing. Then, together, we can put a plan in action to help you move toward a life of vitality, hope, joy and success.

The articles you will find here on my blog consists of my thoughts and experiences practicing as a psychodynamic therapist for the past 30 years in the metropolitan Detroit area.

I am always expanding my therapy credentials – and I am currently an advanced candidate in training to become an adult psychoanalyst. Immersed in classes, supervision, analysis and my private practice,  I’ve never felt so much vitality at this stage in my life.  Since I have been on my own personal journey to improve my life I want to be able to pass this emotional experience, and deep knowledge, on to my patients, with my training in analysis and after my graduation.

If you are interested in knowing yourself on a deeper level, and curious about exploring what your life can be like, and learning to cope with life in a dynamic way, contact me for a consultation.  I also offer analysis sessions for college and university students on a sliding scale basis, since I am in training in this area.